Green Modern Kits News! November 2008

Greetings From Green Modern Kits!
Here is our latest news and updates for November 2008.

Virginia casa ti

Our house kit construction is well underway- the foundation was framed, the radiant heat tubing laid, and finally, the pour. We are now just letting the foundation cure...
The SIPs arrive November 10th, and the cladding on the 14th.
So please keep an eye on if you would like to follow that kit's progress!

For those of you that like the metal finish you will soon see in photographs, please know I have arranged for you to order directly with the manufacturer, so if this is what you want, all you have to do is place your order with them!


After much hard work, we signed a TEXAS factory to offer the same low price for our house kits in this key state!!! I know a bunch of y'all are in Texas, so now you have a local business that would fabricate your house kit. Yay!

Well good thing we signed that Texas factory, 'cause *that day* a nice Texas gentleman confirmed that yes, he would like an R1 Residential. : ) He is right outside of Houston, and we will keep you posted on that as it develops. He is in the process of soil testing to determine his house site and possibilities.

Oklahoma casa ti

Speaking of blogs, I had the great pleasure in catching up with Ohanahaus last week. They are progressing on building a casa ti in Oklahoma, and have much excitement going on.
He will be posting more pictures and information, hopefully by the time you read this!

Rainwater filtration / collection / gray water / potable solutions expand!

Our original partner, Rain Filters of Texas, has joined into a larger network (throughout the United States and Canada), Rainwater Management Solutions. I am very excited to announce our partnership with this incredible group, as they are recognized as national leaders using cutting edge technology, while spending the time to educate zoning and government.

This is great news for you, whether you are in Arizona, Canada, or *wherever,* because now we have a much wider offering of rain solutions for you, wherever you may live!

Rainwater Management Solutions brings a common sense, cost effective approach to the escalating issue of water conservation and management through its innovative rainwater harvesting system designs and its experienced, knowledgeable staff.

Their combined expertise encompasses industries directly impacted by water management issues:
  • Commercial & Residential Developers
  • Engineers & Architects
  • Industrial & Commercial End Users
  • Agricultural Professionals
  • Local, State & National Agencies
...And that's our November Update!
In the meantime, I hope you are all having a productive autumn.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Sincerely yours,
Copeland Casati

copeland casati
6902 park ave / rva 23226

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